May 28, 2019

Breaking! The world’s first albino panda has been discovered.

Breaking! The world’s first albino panda has been discovered.
Dr. Chris Brown

Brace yourself. If you thought a panda was cute, the world’s first albino panda has just been discovered in the forests of China. And it’s all kinds of adorable...

And while albinism can limit the lifespan of just about every other animal species due to sun sensitivity and by becoming a bigger target for predators, this panda’s wild home in a nature reserve may provide protection from both those threats. Importantly these infrared pictures seem to back that up. The panda appears to be 2 years of age and in very good health despite its lack of melanin pigment.

So much to everyone’s relief, when life’s not black and white, it seems to be alright. Good luck little guy...

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